Tell Your Story

We'll Turn It Into A Digital Product


With our exclusive questionnaires, we’ll create a highly engaging article with your answers in a digital magazine format.

What We Offer?

Your Feature: Elevate your personal brand by gracing the cover of print and online magazine. 

Boost your credibility and visibility in your industry while receiving a share of any digital purchase.

Online & Print

Dynamic Collaborations

Your digital magazine product can help you enhance your personal SEO by turning your questionnaire answers into a thought-provoking conversation. 

Why Our Services Are Free?

It’s a Win-Win solution. Your content provides more advertising space for marketers, while you collect income from your digital magazine sales.

Your Content Creation Experience

Answer one of our questionnaires in your own words and style, and get ready to see your content taken to the next level. We add additional articles, coupons and information to help sell your digital magazine product.

Create Or Enhance Your Reputation

A Few Of Our Magazine Partners


Our Articles Are Picked Up By Google News!

Become more relevant to new fans, clients and future business partners.

"I was able to build on the response of my magazine interview and create a business that teaches people how to invest."
Johnny Ruiz
Entrepreneur | Inverstor

Our network of magazines and social media reach gives us immediate leverage to place you in the right position to be discovered or expand your fanbase immediately.

"My 2 page interview and photos were laid out beautifully in LA Model Magazine! All I did was fill out the automated interview and uploaded my photos and this masterpeice was created!"
Erika Figueroa
Model | Fitness Enthusiast

We are the only PR marketing group that can do all of this in network. Your interview and images will be featured in our prominent partners’ magazines.

"Before the magazine was officially published, the online version helped me secure a $330k project. I received a call from another developer who read my interview and we bonded over similar experiences."
Steve Seppe
Real Estate Developer